Monday, May 13, 2013


I think wishlists are the coolest things ever. I guess it could be worse, and I could be spending my money buying tons and tons of things. Instead of purchasing all of the things on a website I like putting the things I like onto a wishlist. Is it usual to do something like this? It seems like a weird quirk.

A lot of times I will make accounts on several websites just to make wish lists. I wonder if there is a site that allows you to manage one wish list. That would make my life so much more simpler. I'm sure there has to be one. I'll have to remember to check that out.

The major obstacle with this kind of habit is that once I am ready to make a purchase everything on my list is out of stock. It's not fun.

These are the little things that bother me in life. A sad addiction to coffee and wish lists. First world problems websites exist for people like me.

Now if you don't mind, I am going to go and make myself a nice warm cup of coffee and then I am going to spend three hours on urban outfitters saving shoes to my list.

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